Monday, January 23, 2012

Plumbing Plan

1. For this project I drew plumbing plans to get water into my water heater from the street, how to get the hot water and cold water to my appliances, and how to get the waste water back the the waste water pipe in the street.

3. I learned a lot about how plumbing systems work in residential areas and how water goes to and from homes.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Affordable House Sketches

For this part of the project I drew a few rough sketches of the homes I proposed to my client.  This is the final sketch that my client chose.  This helped me see what kinds of homes people like and what kinds of homes people don't like which can help me save time and money in the future.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Affordable House Site Plan

1. For this assignment, I placed my house that I created in Revit into a pre-made site that we were given. I also drew property lines and put them in the correct location.

3. From this project i learned how to place items built in Revit into other Revit drawings.  This is important because now I can combine projects to make ones.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Electrical Plans

1. For this project we learned about how electrical systems are planned and added to homes.  I added an electrical panel and box to my house and made a rough electrical plan for my house.
3. I learned a lot more than I knew before about how electrical systems in houses work. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Affordable House

1. For this project, I designed an affordable house for Habitat For Humanity in Revit.  My partner, Austin, approved my design and I built it in Revit.
3.  I learned a lot about building houses in Revit and many functions of the program