Friday, October 28, 2011

Roof Model Project

1.      What is the most common roof type where you live? Do different areas or neighborhoods have different styles? List two of the styles and describe why you think they are predominant.
The most common roof type in the neighborhood that I live in is a gable roof.  Some older neighborhoods have older types of roofs such as hip and valley, which is a more complex roof system with different sections, and gable with dormer roofs, which are similar to gable roofs but have dormers with windows. 

2.      If you were designing a house for yourself, which roof style would you choose and why?
If I were choosing my own roof I would choose a flat roof because I could go on top of it and not worry about falling off.

 Research the roof type that you were assigned and create a fact sheet using the following parameters. The fact sheet should achieve the following:
o       Fit on one letter size sheet
o       Include an least one image of a building with that roof type
o       Describe advantages and disadvantages of the roof type
o       Identify the geographic area where the style is often used

The gable roof system is one of the most common roof systems used in architecture.  It is very simple to build compared to other roof systems making it more cost effective and less time consuming.  Although it is simpler, some people may think that isn't as interesting to look at and may prefer other roof types.  This roof type is used in all geographic areas around the world.

For this project we created realistic models of a roof using balsa wood, sand paper and hot glue.  After some research of  different roof systems, we built a replica gable roof on our house.

4. Reflection:
         1. What did I learn? I learned about the different types of roof systems
         2. What did I like? I liked being able to build different things in real life rather than in a computer program
         3. What did I dislike? I didn't like burning myself on the hot glue gun
         4. What would I do differently? I will be more careful next time

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